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I am 'Here'.
I live and work in this town. All of us here in this town make it what it is, we that are here.
We are proud of this.
Anyone, regardless of region, country or nationality, must be able to declare their existence. Our right to be here, to exist, is something that cannot be lost. With this thought, we raise a voice.


‘WE ARE HERE’, originating in Koganecho, Yokohama, is a project to make its residents more visible. Anyone interested in joining us can declare, “We are here,” by displaying our project’s symbol for others to see. This can be in any location, for any period of time. Our voices individually and collectively declaring ‘We are here’ will be a catalyst for the re-discovery of those who might otherwise go unnoticed. Let's raise our voices together: ‘WE ARE HERE’!

How to participate

If you agree and would like to participate in the "WE ARE HERE" project, please paste the icon on your web page or download and print your preferable format to display at your location. Feel free to personalize the poster with images of your work or activities by placing them in the middle part of the icon. Available formats include png, jpeg, pdf and word file. You can paste the QR code to your website or write your name on the poster.

PNG (for website):
Please download and link the image to

JPEG ( for print, You cannot edit this file.)
PDF and WORD ( For print, you can edit this file.
For example, your name, title and QR code.)


This map shows participants' activities. If you have a Google account, you can add a marker by yourself. 


Koganecho Artist In Residence participanting volunteers : Atsuko Nakamura, Ayako Inoue, Ayako Kurihara, Aduki Kon, Calvin Burchfiel, Eunice Luk, Fumika Shimayama, Gallery Saitou Fine Arts, Kimiko Yamamoto, Liao Zen-Ping, Makoto Ikutake, Marina Tadokoro, Merino, Miya Kaneko, Midori Haguri, Naoko Akiyama, O-JI laboratorium, Ryota Shiibashi, Sakura Alice Motomura, Suzanne Mooney, Taiju Agawa, Ting-Chun Chen, Yusuke Yamada, Yukiko Kimura (alphabetical order)


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Copyright ©2017 WE ARE HERE. All rights reserved.

主催 WE ARE HERE 実行委員会

Organized by WE ARE HERE Executive Committee

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